Voter Information

All Charlestown residents vote at the Charlestown Elementary School, 2060 Charlestown Road, Malvern, PA.

Last Day to Register to Vote: 30 days prior to the primary or election (registration forms are available at the Township Office)

Pennsylvania offers online registration for residents with a valid driver’s license or non-driver’s identification card.

Last Day to Apply for a Civilian Absentee Ballot: 5 pm on the Tuesday prior to the primary or election.

We strongly recommend you take care of these matters at least a week before the deadlines.

For voter information, including how to register to vote or obtain an absentee ballot, please contact Chester County Voter Services at (610) 344-6410 or visit their website at

Polling Location

Charlestown Elementary School,
2060 Charlestown Road
Malvern, PA 19355

County Precinct: 065
Updated: December 7, 2016