Charlestown Township Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC)

December 11, 2023
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Charlestown Township Office
11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1
Malvern, PA 19355


Review of Minutes and approval

7:00 –

Goals, Projects, and Tasks

Place Holders:

  • All - Reminder of EAC-initiated projects for next 6+ months: Brightside Farm Riparian Buffer Planting, Deerfield Riparian Buffer; Earth Day; Charlestown Bird Town; Battery Recycling Program; Education Series; EAC adoption of Charlestown road for biannual cleanups; New developments for review; EAC website on where residents can dispose of household items; Friends of; Kendig and Jenkins conservation parks-Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2) grant; synthetic turf fields in Charlestown; ChesCo planning natural resources maps:
7:15 –


  1. Reorganizational Meeting for 2024.
  2. WeConservePA requested Charlestown EAC to submit ‘lightning session’ programs to statewide conference on February 24.

On Going

  1. Discussion of policy regarding the use of chemicals in Charlestown parks, and Parks for a Sustainable Future; partnership with P&R.
  2. EAC membership
  3. Adoption of Charlestown Road for PennDOT: Update – Walker
  4. Recycling of food and yard waste in Charlestown to reduce waste volume
  5. Stream naming of unnamed headwater tributary at Charlestown Park: Update - Armstrong.
  6. Single use plastic bag/items ban: update Soundararajan
  7. Nature News (Jan., Apr., July., Oct.) – Solomon
  8. Township newsletter articles due dates (1/15, 4/15, 7/15, & 10/15)
    1. Bird Town programs
    2. Tour of invasive plant species – tabled until spring
  9. Riparian buffer maintenance: Updates – Phase 2 caging and maintenance; mowing of lanes between trees and shrubs in riparian field below community garden planned for late winter, increasing access of public to fruit trees.
  10. Battery collection program for Charlestown update – Armstrong.
  11. RES update.
8:50p –
Next meeting: January 8, 2024. Reorganization meeting at 7pm followed by Regular monthly meeting


Parks for a Sustainable Future

LEARN MORE Become A Parks Advocate Municipal Officials FAQs

Envision an organic community where local parks, playing fields, and greenways are managed without unnecessary toxic pesticides, children and pets are safe to run around on the grass, and bees and other pollinators are safeguarded from toxic chemicals. At Beyond Pesticides, this is the future we envision and are working to achieve.

We are partnering with major retailers like Natural Grocers and Stonyfield Organic, and dozens of communities in all regions of the country to see this vision come to life. Now, with your help, we are ready to take this work to the next level.

Our Parks for a Sustainable Future program provides in-depth training to assist community land managers in transitioning two public green spaces to organic landscape management, while aiming to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to eventually transition all public areas in a locality to these safer practices.

About the Program: Nuts and Bolts

The organic land care training program follows a very straightforward process:

Financial Arrangements:

Beyond Pesticides will pay up to 100% of the training program to our partner, Osborne Organics, or an equivalent service provider. The community may contribute to this cost; it is not required, but is appreciated. We provide this service to qualified communities because of our organization’s mission to protect public health and the environment, starting at the local level. Given increasing public understanding of the dangers associated with lawn care pesticides, our organization strongly encourages localities to take advantage of the growing availability of alternative practices and products that do not subject people or local environment to these hazards. We would like to help your community become a leader in the state and region on this issue of growing importance, and look forward to working with you should you choose to move forward with this opportunity.

Science Behind the Practices:

For detailed information about the science and philosophy behind this approach to organic land care, see the Osborne Organics website.