JUNE 2, 1997

The first regular business meeting for June was held June 2, 1997 at the Charlestown Elementary School. John B. Sauser, Chairman, Robin J. Kohn, Irene W. Ewald, Thomas F. Oeste, Esq., Surender S. Kohli, P.E., Linda M. Csete, Secretary, and those on the attached attendee list were present.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Mr. Sauser announced that PA Rep. Carole Rubley is hosting a town meeting to be held at the East Pikeland Municipal Building on June 12, 1997 at 7:00 - 9:00 P.M.

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Kohn moved to approve the minutes of May 5 , 1997 and Mrs. Ewald seconded. All were in favor.

Mr. Kohn moved to approve the minutes of May 19, 1997 and Mrs. Ewald seconded. All were in favor.

May Treasurer’s Report

Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the May 1- 31, 1997 Treasurer’s Report. Mr. Kohn seconded and all were in favor.

June Accounts Payable

This item was deferred until later in the meeting.

Zoning Officer’s Report

Mr. Kohli reported that there have been many complaints from residents about noise at Great Valley Materials. He stated that on one particular night, GVM was running a large compressor that is not normally in operation so early in the morning and that he has instructed them to wait until later in the morning to use this equipment. There have been complaints since that date, however, most referring to the back up sounds made by the trucks and taking place throughout the night and early morning hours. Mr. Kohli stated that the decibel level, which is not to exceed 75 dB at the property line, was checked and found to be in compliance in 1996. He suggested a new independent testing of the decibel level to make sure they’re not exceeding this level. Mr. Churchill, Planning Commission Chairman, suggested that the testing specifically target the back up beeping noise since this is the main problem.

Mr. Kohli stated that in the LI district, there are no restrictions on hours of operation. Mrs. Ewald asked if GVM had complied with the conditions on their last Land Development approval, and Mr., Kohli responded that the only item left was to move sound barrier walls out of the 20’ setback area, but that this would have no noticeable effect on the noise level. Mrs. Ewald suggested that the Board, along with Mr. Kohli and Mr. Oeste, review documents on file from the Riverdale Quarry subdivision, which provided some restrictions on the operation. She also requested that the group review the parameters for Great Valley Materials’ operation and determine any noncompliance items. The matter was placed on the June 16, 1997 agenda for further discussion.

Planning Commission Report

Mr. Churchill stated that the Planning Commission reviewed the Naylor Conditional Use application and that the applicant is returning to the Planning Commission on June 10th with additional information. The Somerset subdivision is also on the June 10th agenda, and an agreement between the developer and the residents on Chesterfield Lane is anticipated at that time. Mr. Churchill gave some details on the poll conducted at the May 20th election asking residents for feedback on whether they were in favor of a Wawa at Route 29 and White Horse Roads. The poll indicated that 247 were opposed, 70 supported the idea, and 4 were undecided. Mr. Sauser said that many residents who were concerned with the additional traffic in an already congested area may not be aware of the plan to improve the intersection. Mr. Churchill stated that Wawa has also indicated they will develop some suggestions to mitigate the traffic issue.

Roadmaster Report

Mr. Thompson stated that the spring sweeping has been completed along with filling of potholes and trimming. Mrs. Ewald indicated her concern over the size of the road contractor’s May invoice and questioned the assignment of equipment. Mr. Thompson provided more detail on the process and what work was performed during the month. Mrs. Ewald requested that he examine comparable bills for the past several years to see what can be done to keep costs down. Mr. Sauser stated that he’s already done so and believes the costs to be in line with previous years.

Mr. Thompson was directed to obtain three estimates for replacing the roof on the salt shed. Mr. Kohn suggested a hard coated steel material for the roof.

Fire Marshal Report

Mrs. Ewald asked for details on the helicopter landing on Rees Road as listed on Mr. Alston’s report for May 1997. She also asked the Secretary to obtain a police report on the accident at White Horse and Rees Roads and to send the information to Rep. Rubley to add to the previous data supplied her on this intersection. Mr. Alston will check with the fire companies for any additional data on accidents at this location.

Parks and Recreation Board

Mr. Connolly was not present.

Valley Forge Sewer Authority

No report was given.

Citizen’s Forum - Agenda Items

Mr. DiLello asked for details on the PRD Hearing for Lot 26 at Charlestown Hunt, which Mr. Sauser provided.

Charlestown Hunt - Lot 26 PRD Hearing Decision

Mr. Oeste referred to his draft decision on Dr. & Mrs. Growney’s request for a waiver to allow their driveway construction to remain as is on Lot 26 of Charlestown Hunt, which inadvertently encroached on a Valley Forge Sewer Authority easement. Mr. Oeste framed a motion as follows: The Decision and Order grants approval for the application made by Chester Valley Engineers Inc. and Realen Homes Inc. requesting an amendment of the PRD approval for Charlestown Hunt subject to the findings and conditions that are contained in this Decision and Order, namely:

  1. That the driveway on Lot 26 be constructed in accordance with the Exhibits the applicant presented at the hearing;
  2. that the Valley Forge Sewer Authority approve the construction within their sewer easement;
  3. that the Owner is responsible for the removal and replacement of the driveway if it needs to be removed in the future;
  4. that this approval is applicable to this property only and this Decision and Order shall not be construed as a precedent applicable to any other property in Charlestown Hunt;
  5. that the Testimony, Plans & Exhibits presented at the hearing are all incorporated as additional conditions of approval, the owner being strictly bound by those commitments;
  6. that the final PRD approval is modified only to the extent set forth in this decision;
  7. that the Decision & Order shall be effective upon approval by the Court of Common Pleas.

Mrs. Ewald so moved, Mr. Kohn seconded and all were in favor.

Other Business

Charlestown Oaks

Frank Iacobucci Sr. and Frank Iacobucci Jr. were present to discuss the Subdivision and Land Development Agreement for Charlestown Oaks along with the Phase I Escrow Agreement in the amount of $2,516,749.20. They requested that the Board approve the form of these draft documents so they can be finalized and prepared for signature. Mrs. Ewald responded that since she just received the drafts she wanted more time to review them and suggested they table this request until June 16th. Mr. Iacobucci (Jr.) requested that the Board allow Mr. Kohli to proceed with the Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan review prior to the documents being signed. Mr. Kohli responded that this review normally takes place after the agreements are signed and escrow is posted. He stated that the review is not a lengthy one.

Grandview Road

Mr. Sauser referred to a letter received last week from Steven Brown, Assistant Township Manager for West Whiteland Township, who requested Charlestown’s approval for the address for the one Charlestown lot in the Whiteland Ridge development, the majority of which is located in West Whiteland. Mr. Kohn moved to approve the number and road name. Mr. Sauser seconded and all were in favor.

June Accounts Payable

Mr. Sauser asked for clarification on check #1100 to Sir Speedy and the Secretary responded that the payment was for the printing of interim tax forms. Mr. Kohn moved to approve the Accounts Payable Report for June 2, 1997. Mr. Sauser seconded and all were in favor.

Naylor Conditional Use Hearing

The Board directed the solicitor to schedule the Naylor Conditional Use Hearing for July 7, 1997.

Mr. Sauser will contact the HARB chairman to reconvene and make a formal recommendation to the Board. The Secretary was directed to advertise the HARB meeting and notify the Planning Commission and Board of the time, place and date.

Citizen’s Forum - Non-Agenda Items

Mr. DiLello reported that the double utility poles are still in place along Charlestown Road. Some wires aren’t properly attached to the new poles, and the old poles have vines growing on them that block his view backing out of his driveway and pose a general safety hazard. Mr. Sauser stated that he will communicate with the parties responsible.

Geoffrey Crowell requested speed control on Charlestown Road, and the Secretary was directed to contact the state police to request it. Mr. Crowell also asked about real estate signs on the right of way at the end of his property and at other locations along the road that block sight lines. Mr. Kohli indicated that real estate signs no larger than 2 square feet in size are permitted to be displayed within one mile of the advertised property, and that any other sign requires a sign permit. Mrs. Ewald requested that the Roadmaster have the road crew remove any signs that are illegally displayed.

Janet Baldwin announced that a meeting took place at the Nature Center on May 30th on the subject of forming an Agricultural Security District in Charlestown. Many people have signed the necessary agreement, and others have indicated their interest. She suggested a deadline of July 1st to sign up, after which time the Supervisors could begin to hold the necessary public hearings on the subject prior to forwarding the applications to the County.

Lee Raden asked for the status of the Broadwater Lane construction, and Mr. Oeste stated that he needs to contact a Realen representative again on this matter. Mr. Raden reported that the surface is breaking up again and deep potholes are forming. He’s concerned that emergency vehicles will have trouble gaining access by the end of the summer. Mr. Kohn moved to stop granting Building Permits to Realen Homes until the matter with the Andersens and the construction of Broadwater Lane is resolved. Mr. Sauser was in agreement. No vote was taken.

Al Van Brunt asked for the status of the improvement plan for Route 29 & Phoenixville Pike. Mr. Sauser responded that the project is listed on PennDOT’s twelve year plan for 1998. Mrs. Ewald requested that the Secretary contact Sen. Gerlach and Rep. Rubley to ask if the project is still on schedule and if it can be expedited.

Meeting Schedule:

Mr. Sauser indicated that he’ll be absent for the June 16th meeting. Mr. Kohn suggested that the Board attempt to hold only one meeting for both July and August if possible with the second meeting remaining on schedule in case of carryover business to be cancelled as needed. The other board members were in agreement. Mrs. Ewald requested that the Chairman poll his fellow supervisors one week prior to each meeting for agenda items and Mr. Sauser agreed.


Mrs. Ewald moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 P.M. Mr. Kohn seconded and all were in favor. The next meeting will be held at the Charlestown Elementary School at 8:00 P.M. on June 16, 1997.