The Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, December 5, 1994, at the Charlestown Elementary School, Charlestown Road, Devault.

Present: John C. Martin, Jr., Chairman; John B. Sauser, Vice Chairman; Irene W. Ewald, Member; Thomas F. Oeste, Esq.; Surender S. Kohli, P.E.; Ruth W. Buckwalter, Secretary; those on the attached list of attendees and others.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:00pm.

The Chairman questioned the position of the Charlestown Meadows plan. Mr. Oeste stated that if this is a different application from Adwin’s application, Mr. Panizza will have to start all over. Mr. Oeste will contact Mr. Panizza’s attorney in an attempt to clarify the matter.

The Chairman announced that Charlestown Oaks, Charlestown Meadows and the Senior Housing plan at V.F.C.C. have been removed from tonight’s agenda.

Announcements: Mrs. Ewald announced that a crimson sugar maple tree has been planted in the Township Park in memory of Margaret Chiccino. a former Township Secretary. A dedication service will be held at the Park on December 11 at 1:00pm. The public is invited. Mr. Martin announced that the Inquirer newspaper reporter had misquoted Messrs. Sauser and Martin regarding the Altemose Curative Amendment. Mr. Martin will request a retraction.

The Chairman entertained a motion to approve the minutes of October 19, 1994. Mr. Sauser so moved, Mr. Martin seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

Mr. Martin moved to approve the minutes of November 7, 1994. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sauser and unanimously carried.

The Chairman entertained a motion to approve the November 1994 Treasurer’s Report. Mr. Sauser so moved, Mr. Martin seconded, the motion unanimously carried.

Mr. Martin moved to approve the December 5, 1994 Accounts Payable. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sauser and unanimously carried.

Zoning Officer’s Report: Mr. Kohli submitted his list of approved permits issued during November. He reported that Robert Berry would like to install his driveway across lot 8 of the Eastwick Subdivision plan in order to have access to Church Road rather than Merlin Road as depicted on the approved plan. Mr. Sauser stated that this is in violation of the deed restrictions. Mr. Kohli was directed to draft a letter giving notification to DER regarding the violation, the letter first being sent to the Supervisors for their review. The next item Mr. Kohli reviewed was the complaints received from Mr. DiPiano regarding the Schulze property and the Horseshoe Trail. Mr. Kohli noted that he doesn’t think anything can be done at this time. The Chairman asked Mr. Kohli if the Rosewood Subdivision dedication was ready. Mr. Kohli replied that he had everything except an executed copy of Mr. Oeste’s comments. Mrs. Ewald questioned if Bodine Road was in compliance with the Rosewood plan and asked Mr. Kohli to check with Mr. Comitta on this. The Chairman noted that Rosewood will be on the December 19th agenda.

Planning Commission Report: Mr. Churchill reported that the Commission did not meet last month. The lot line revision for lots 14 & 15 of the Commons at Great Valley will come before the Planning Commission at their next meeting.

Roadmaster’s Report: Mr. Hiller submitted his report for the Township file. Work accomplished in November consisted of cleaning drains, replacing downed signs and reviewing the amended PENNDOT snow and ice agreement. The first shipment of salt was delivered to the Township today with the next shipment to be delivered tomorrow. Mr. Martin referred to items noted in the Fall Road Tour – re-striping Rees Road and sealing cracks. Mr. Hiller stated that the work would be done this month. Mr. Sauser asked if Sidley Hill Road work was completed. Mr. Hiller replied that the Township’s work was done but there seemed to be a problem with the Turnpike Commission getting their job done. Mrs. Ewald inquired if the sides of this road had been filled with stone. Mr. Hiller will check on this.

Fire Marshal’s Report: Mr. Alston introduced Chief Darin Fitzgerald, East Whiteland Fire Company, Chief Jay Pollinger, Kimberton Fire Company and Chuck New, Deputy Chief of Kimberton Fire Company. Mr. Alston then reported on the 13 incidents responded to by the companies during the month of November. He submitted a complete report for the Township files. Mr. Oeste reviewed the Emergency Vehicle Highway and Bridge Restriction Exemption Resolution. Following a discussion, Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the Resolution (#491-94) and Mr. Martin seconded the motion. Mr. Sauser opposed. The motion so carried. The Secretary was directed to send a copy of Resolution #491-94 to both fire companies and the Fire Marshal. The Chairman deferred the Hazardous Material Ordinance and the Fire Control Regulation Ordinance until the next meeting. Mr. Oeste asked for direction on the wording of the Fire Control Ordinance. Mr. Alston said he would get other Township Ordinances for Mr. Oeste and the Supervisors to review.

Citizens Forum: Vincent G. Kling, Sr. complained to the Supervisors about the manner in which PECO is going through the Township cutting trees in preparation for the installation of new electric lines. He stated that despite his letters to PECO and Asplundn, the cutting continues. Mr. Van Brunt added his objection to the work PECO is doing at the top of the hill of Pikeland and Charlestown Roads. A discussion ensued and Mrs. Ewald noted that it seems PECO is changing their original plans without the confirmation of the Board. Mr. Martin will contact Greg Carey on the matter. Robert Devlin said he had been to Mr. Kohli’s office to review the plans of the Turnpike Commission and he appreciated the opportunity to do this. He noted that he had many questions to be answered. Mr. Kohli directed him to make a list of his questions and Mr. Kohli will contact the Commission for a response.

The Chairman deferred the 1995 Budget to the December 19th meeting.

The next item was John Fetterman’s storm water drainage problem. Mr. Kohli submitted a cost estimate. Mrs. Ewald stated that that entire section has a problem and she questions if it can be solved. Mr. Kohli will send a copy of his estimate and the plans to each Supervisor for their review.

The Chairman announced that the LauraBrooke Hearing has been scheduled for December 15, 9:15am, in room #8 of the Chester County Court. Mrs. Ewald moved to designate Gary Bender to represent the Board of Supervisors at this hearing. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it unanimously carried.

Charlestown Brae – Mr. Featherman stated that he had reviewed the Resolution but the Declaration of Covenants, which are incorporated into the Resolution, have not been worked out yet with Mr. Oeste. Mr. Oeste said he will draft a letter to be circulated to the Board for their review before the next meeting. He noted that no further action by the Board is necessary.

Mr. Oeste reported that the letter of approval was sent to Devault Foods, Inc., the letter to John Hrinkevich will be sent this week.

The date for the Altemose Curative Amendment Hearing was scheduled for January 9, 1995, at the Charlestown Elementary School. Mr. Oeste will do the advertising.

The Board of Supervisors will meet for their reorganization meeting, to be followed by the regular first meeting of the month, on Tuesday, January 3, 1995, at the Charlestown Elementary School. The Secretary will advertise.

The Chairman stated that there had been a suggestion that a flashing light be installed at Newcomen Road and Rt. 401. Mr. Kohli submitted a cost estimate for the project with a maximum cost of $12,500, depending on the need of one or two devices. Mrs. Ewald suggested the Chairman contact West Pikeland Township to see if they would contribute to the cost. Mrs. Ewald made the motion that the warning signal at Newcomen Road and Rt. 401 be installed as soon as possible after contacting West Pikeland. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sauser and unanimously carried. Mr. Kohli will prepare the plan. At this time, Janet Baldwin requested the Supervisors to consider the same type of signal be installed at Rt. 401 and Valley Hill Road. Mrs. Ewald said this should be on the December 19 agenda.

The Chairman referred to a letter on Act 537. Mrs. Ewald noted that the letter had not been available until this meeting and she would like the opportunity to review it.

Therefore, she would like this to be tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Martin said that there was nothing that required action from the Board at this time. Whether or not our Act 537 is deemed approved was an issue that Mrs. Ewald requested Mr. Oeste to double check.

The last item for the Board was the Charlestown Hunt plan. Marc Kaplin and Bob Dwyer represented the developer. Mr. Martin stated the plan should go to the Planning Commission and he will not vote on it until he receives their recommendation. Mr. Kaplin stated that they were asking for five minor changes to the present plan: 1) eliminate the rip-rap channel, 2) eliminate the flats, 3) technical change in phasing, 4) change in electric line placement, 5) open space parcel “C” split into two pieces. Mrs. Ewald suggested to Mr. Kaplin that he take the plan to the Planning Commission and return to the Board on their December 19th meeting. Mr. Dwyer said that he would send a copy of the plan to each Planning Commission member for their review at their next meeting.

Mrs. Ewald moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Martin and so carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
