FEBRUARY 15, 1993

The Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors held a meeting on Monday, February 15, 1993, at the Barn of the Nature Center, Rt. #29 and Hollow Road in the Township.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., Member; James E. McErlane, Esq.; Surender S. Kohli, P.E.; G. Paull Nation, Jr., Ruth W. Buckwalter, Secretary; those on the attached attendees’ list.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:10 pm.

Announcements: Mrs. Ewald announced the following: Feb. 9 - Mrs. Ewald attended a meeting of the East Whiteland Fire Co. Board of Directors as Charlestown’s representative; Feb. 11 - Mrs. Ewald and Mr. Martin met for the purpose of discussing the Tax Collector’s Compensation; the Roadmaster’s Report was deferred to the next meeting due to a death in his family.

The Chairman addressed a memo, dated February 5, 1993, submitted by Pennoni & Associates. She called attention to item 2. section B - issue: encroachment into land sloped between 15 and 25 percent, interim order plan shows this encroachment at 1.8 acres. resolution: revise engineering plans to a limit of 1.8 acres by the use of retaining walls and excluding parking area outside of right-of-way. This particular note is unclear and should be clarified. Under item 2, section P - issue: the engineering improvements to Yellow Springs Road as per the Township’s request. The memo states “negotiate with Township for their participation in cost”. Under item 2, section F - Issue: extensive grading and tree removal in areas of steep slopes. Resolution: reduce or eliminate with the addition of retaining walls. Status: redesign completed for review with Mr. Kohli. Mr. Kohli noted that no such review has taken place.

Laura Brooke: Ted Mondzelewski, requesting a change in zoning from LI to Residential for his property located on Phoenixville Pike, recapped items discussed at the January 4th and February 1st Board meetings, i.e. parking, funding for widening Phoenixville Pike, buffers, updated traffic study, and noise from the Turnpike. He also gave a report on information from police and fire companies alleging that apartments have less use of these services than offices. According to his study, apartments would generate 22% more tax revenue than offices. He is proposing 114 units, approximately 80% being one bedroom units. At the conclusion of Mr. Mondzelewski’s presentation, the Chairman opened the meeting to the floor for comments. Robert Devlin, Evelyn Devlin and Hope Janes voiced a number of reasons against this proposal. Mr. Martin stated that this plan is the worst plan he has seen presented to the Board in 15 years and listed a number of reasons why. Mrs. Ewald asked if a composite constraint study had been done and noted that a very dense project is riot consistent with Charlestown residential areas. Mr. Kling felt the proposal required more work before being presented again to the Planning Commission and questioned if the land use change would pose a legal problem, and would other properties in the LI district along the Phoenixville Pike also request a zoning change. Mr. McErlane explained that this is presently purely a discussion of a sketch plan, no application has been submitted.

The next item on the agenda was Panilquin. John Panizza introduced his partner, Thomas McQuilquin, and requested the Board to sign the Subdivision Plan of Panilquin, to be commercially advertised as Charlestown Meade (13 single family homes on a 25 acre tract bordering Coldstream and Maryhill Roads). Mr. Panizza feels all the conditions on which a previous approval was given have been met. In order to obtain money for the escrow funding, the financing people need a letter from the Supervisors stating that the plan has been approved and signed. The Chairman noted 3 outstanding issues to be addressed before a letter of approval will be given: 1) all outstanding fees be paid up to date, 2) an easement with Delbusso needs a time extension, 3) all utilities be underground accessing the site. Mr. Kling moved for approval of the plan, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it unanimously carried. A copy of these minutes would serve in lieu of a letter. Mr. Kohli noted that the plans would be signed when the escrow is there and Mr. McErlane could record them at that time.

At this time, the Chairman turned the meeting over to Mr. McErlane to conduct the hearing for a series of conditional use applications for the Eastwick Subdivision Plan, a plan for 12 lots on 162 acres. An official Court Reporter recorded the hearing. Representing the estate of Suzanne Eastwick was Saul W. Behar, Esquire. Vincent G. Kling, Jr., presented the plan drawings, giving information on each lot as to size, septic placement, scenic views, traffic, driveways, composite constraints, slopes, lots requiring conditions use, etc. Louis Colagreco, Esq., representing Three Ponds, questioned the use of parcel B (7 acres) which was conveyed to Mrs. Eastwick from Rouse/Chamberlin in 1987. This hearing is scheduled to be continued on March 15th, providing that date is available to Mr. Martin. If not, a third meeting in March will be necessary.

The Chairman noted that the Chester County Spring Convention will be held at 9:00 am, Thursday, March 4, 1993, at Festivities, Exton, PA. Mrs. Ewald, Messrs. Martin and Kohli will attend. A check in the amount of $60 was signed by the Supervisors to pay for attendance.

All business completed, Mrs. Ewald moved to adjourn, Mr. Martin seconded the motion. The Chairman adjourned the meeting - 11:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth W. Buckwalter