June 19, 1990

A meeting of the Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors was held on June 19, 1990, outside the Charlestown Elementary School due to the fact that the doors to the school were locked.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., Vice Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., member; and Ruth W. Buckwalter; also those on the List of Attendees attached to these minutes.

At 8:11 P.M., the Chairman called the meeting to order. She stated then that the Supervisors had held an executive session at the township office prior to this public meeting.

MFC was tabled for a future meeting at the request of both the Applicant and the Judge in order to redesign the project.

Redevelopment Authority; The Supervisors are not satisfied with the contractor’s work on Phase I of the Tyrone Farm project re. storm water control. Mrs. Ewald said the contractor had not completed the work according to his contract and listed the work remaining to be done. For that reason, the Supervisors are reluctant to award Phase II of the project. On June 20th, at 12:30 P.M., the Supervisors and the Township Engineer will meet with the Redevelopment Authority to inspect the project.

Kilmer Ins.: Mr. Kling made the motion to authorize payment of 83,795.00 to Kilmer Ins. Co. for their Basic Business Package and $1,520.00 for the Umbrella Policy, to be paid in separate checks. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Computer Systems; Mrs. Ewald read a proposal from Pilot Technical Services for an IBM Computer, installation, and training. A brief discussion followed and the Supervisors decided to advertise for bids on an IBM and Mclntosh Apple since the cost will probably exceed $4,000. Mr. Kling so moved, Mrs. Ewald seconded, the motion carried unanimously.

Air Conditioner: The need for an air conditioner in the township office was discussed. Mr. Martin very generously offered to donate one. Installation may require a new cable as also will the computer.

Maintenance Agreement; In the May 29th letter from Chris Hines, Mr. Hines wrote that Lords Tree Service offered to mow the town44 acre recreation site for a fee of $600 per cutting for however many cuttings may be necessary. Chester Co. Construction was invited to bid, but declined. Mr. Kling made the motion to authorize Lords Tree Service do one cutting, to be inspected by the Engineer. If it is satisfactory, give them the job. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Road Bids: Two bids were submitted for blacktop. The bid was awarded to Great Valley Materials as the lowest responsible bidder. Mr. Martin so moved, Mr. Kling seconded, it so carried.

The bids for equipment, submitted by Chester County Construction Co. and Shanline, were very close. After some discussion, Mr. Martin, who had reviewed the bids again, made a motion to rebid dividing the work into two bids: one bid for road work and another bid for winter work. Mr. Kling seconded the motion. It so carried. Mrs. Ewald noted that despite the bid from Chester County Construction Co., last year’s total far exceeded the bid. The Secretary was instructed to check on the last 3 years of road bids versus cost.

Mrs. Ewald asked if there was any further business. Mr. John Hornsey, whose residence is adjacent to the north side of Rose-wood Farms, complained of mud washing downstream from this project making a total mess of his pond, destroying fish and an aquatic garden, and filling the pond with silt. Mr. Hornsey contacted the DER – no results. He contacted Mr. Kohli who instructed the builder to build a berm, but the water just runs around the berm and into his pond again. Hay bales and a silt fence used by the builder have not solved the problem either. He asked if the Supervisors could do anything to help him. The Supervisors were unanimous in replying there certainly was. Mr. Kling said the township has an Erosion Ordinance which prohibits this very thing. Mr. Martin made the motion to have all future Building and Use & Occupancy Permits for Rosewood Farms not to be issued until first reviewed by the Supervisors. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it carried unanimously. Mrs. Ewald will notify Mr. Kohli of this action.

Mrs. Ewald reported on the meeting of June 13th with the County Board of. Health and the Rapid Response Team of the Army Corps of Engineers held on the grounds of the former Valley Forge General Hospital. The Rapid Response Team plans to remove and identify all hazardous material by the end of September. Regarding the ten cases of Hodgkin’s disease, Dr. Harold Russell stated that ten cases over a period of twenty years is not concluded to be a significant recurrence. Dr. Russell said the leading theory of cause is post-infectious or viral. Mrs. Ewald felt assured that top-level attention will focus on the township’s recreational area.

All business completed, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
