JANUARY 15, 1996

The Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors held their second regular monthly meeting on Monday, January 15, 1996 at the Charlestown Township offices on Route 29 past Hollow Road.


John B. Sauser, Chairman, Robin J. Kohn, Vice Chairman, Irene W. Ewald, Member, Linda M. Csete, Secretary and those on the attached attendee list.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M.


Mr. Sauser announced that due to the severe weather events of the past week, he declared an emergency to exist from the 7th to the 14th of January 1996 and moved to approve Resolution #509-96 “Declaration of Emergency” which he read in its entirety. Mrs. Ewald seconded and the resolution passed.

Mrs. Ewald suggested that the solicitor review and strengthen any ordinances providing emergency measures including their fee structures for violations such as parking on the roads or the dumping of snow or other materials, such as leaves or trash, on the roads. Mr. Sauser stated that he preferred for the supervisors to review them first before involving the solicitor.

Mr. Sauser stated that he would like to include an article addressing snow emergency procedures in a township newsletter rather than sending it separately. The newsletter would also include a condensed version of the 1996 budget and a summary of information received from the County on reassessment, which is planned to begin in Charlestown on or about the 15th of January. Mr. Kohn stated that it is important to get the information out as quickly as possible.

Stinson Markley Farm:

Mr. Sauser asked Mrs. Baldwin for the status of the Historical Society’s request from the Orphan’s Court for approval of the anticipated involvement of the Township in the restoration of the barn for possible use as a Township office. Kevin Kuhn, another member of the Historical Society Board, responded that their attorney had been instructed to turn over the paperwork to the township solicitor. Mrs. Ewald suggested that the Historical Society’s attorney write to Mr. McErlane to clarify the status of the application.

Mr. Sauser read portions of the feasibility study grant’s project description as a basis for discussion. Four architectural firms had sent their dossiers unsolicited to the Township requesting the Board’s consideration of them for the project. Mr. Kohn stressed the need to establish a comfortable rapport and working relationship with the selected consultant. After some discussion, the Board decided to conduct interviews in the latter portion of this month with the potential candidates. Mr. Kohn suggested they be given a summary of the project description that was included in the original grant application. Mr. Sauser directed the Secretary to proceed with this summary.

The Board also determined that they should develop a needs assessment report which would provide a basis for the consultant’s feasibility study. Mr. Sauser stated that he would like to invite citizen involvement in this process. Mrs. Ewald suggested that the second Supervisors meeting in February, scheduled for February 19th, be a joint meeting with the Planning Commission. Mr. Sauser stated that he plans to attend the upcoming Planning Commission meeting and will invite them to join the Board on that date.

Mrs. Baldwin mentioned the Keystone Grants available for projects of this nature, which have up to $100,000 in matching funds available for qualifying projects. To qualify, the township would be required to use the barn as a township office for a minimum of 15 years. Mrs. Ewald suggested that the successful candidate for conducting the feasibility study should be familiar with this grant application process.

A discussion on the needs assessment included square footage needed for a meeting room, handicapped access, adequate storage, rest rooms, ventilation, a board/map room, sewer, water and electrical requirements and other needs.

Mr. Kohn estimated that an architectural restoration consultant firm would need approximately 30 - 45 days to produce the feasibility study report. The deadline for submitting the report is July 31, 1996. Mr. Kohn suggested giving the selected firm 60 days from notification to proceed with the study.

Mrs. Baldwin asked how an application for a Keystone Grant would be handled as the availability of matching funds would be required at the onset. Mr. Sauser stated that the Historical Society should be responsible for the application and the funding. Mrs. Ewald stated that this would be a burden to the Historical Society and believed that a joint application could be made and an agreement between the two parties drawn up by the township solicitor.

Berry Conditional Use Hearing:

Mr. Kohn reported that he received a call from Robert Berry Jr. with questions regarding his upcoming Conditional Use Hearing, and that he suggested Mr. Berry’s attorney contact the township solicitor.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda M. Csete, Secretary