APRIL 18, 1994

The Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors held their second meeting of the month on Monday, April 18, 1994, at the Charlestown Elementary School, Charlestown Road, Devault.

Present: John C. Martin, Jr., Chairman; John B. Sauser, Vice Chairman; Irene W. Ewald, Member; Thomas F. Oeste, Esq.; Surender S. Kohli, P.E., Ruth W. Buckwalter, Secretary and those on the attached attendees list.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 8:03pm.

Announcements: no announcements

Citizens Forum: no questions nor comments from the public

The letter and contract from Berkheimer Associates regarding the collection of Charlestown Township’s Occupational Privilege Taxes was tabled until the May 2 meeting of the Board. This information had just come to the office today and the Supervisors had not had time to review the contract.

Dennis Hiller’s revised fee schedule for animal control services was approved by a motion made by Mrs. Ewald and seconded by Mr. Martin. The motion carried unanimously.

The Chairman referred to Sarah Peck’s letter of April 4, 1994, in which she raised several issues; one issue was a partial bill for Thomas Comitta’s review of Charlestown Brae she thought excessive. Mr. Martin said he had received a copy of an additional bill for $794 from Mr. Comitta for his final review. He proposed sending Ms. Peck a copy of this bill and if she feels it is still excessive the Board will meet with Ms. Peck to discuss the matter. This and the other issues will be taken up at the May 2 Board meeting. Mr. Martin read the memo he had received this day from Thomas Comitta requesting approval of the Board for a meeting on April 21st with Mr. Orsatti, Mr. Plucienick, Ms. Peck and Mr. Snyder (Esq.) or Mr. Kohli. Mrs. Ewald said she thought one of the Supervisors should also attend and requested the date be rescheduled. The Chairman moved that this meeting remain for 8:00am on Thursday, April 21st. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sauser and so carried. Mrs. Ewald opposed the motion referring to past private meetings with Township Consultants during which Ms. Peck tried to direct the planning and review process.

At this time, the Court Stenographer arrived to record the reconvened hearing of the Conditional Use Application of Bonnie Rogers who proposes to use the property of 7 Charlestown Road for a home day care center. At the conclusion of the hearing, Mr. Martin moved that the application of Bonnie Rogers for a home occupation of a day care center for no more than six children be approved, subject to certain conditions enumerated in the original decision - conditions 1 through 15. The Solicitor will be directed to modify the decision to make it clear that proper notice was given and also adding a provision requesting the Applicant accept the conditions in writing within a certain time period. Mr. Sauser seconded the motion. It so carried.

Bridge #178 was the next subject discussed. The Chairman referred to correspondence from the Township Solicitor dated April 11 enclosing the County’s review of the Supervisors’ proposal for maintenance and ownership of the bridge. He stated that a copy of this letter with documents would be sent to Michael Churchill and John Foster for their comments. The matter was tabled until the May 2nd meeting.

The Chairman opened and read aloud the two bids for top soil for the soccer field:

Fisher Site $10.00 per cubic yard
Brandywine Valley Contractor $16.90 per cubic yard

Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the lowest bid subject to review by Mr. Kohli and Mr. Oeste. The motion was seconded by Mr. Martin and unanimously carried.

The Chairman reported on the meeting with the Nature Center regarding the lease for office space. Since 1990, the Township has been paying $6,000 a year for rental. The Nature Center is asking for an additional $1,100 to cover ⅓ of the cost of utilities. Mrs. Ewald noted that perhaps the Supervisors could bargain clearing the driveway in the winter in exchange for the cost of the utilities. Mr. Sauser reported that he has looked into several other possible places for the Township office and he has submitted a memo with this information for the Board’s review.

Eastwick Escrow: Mr. Oeste reported that he delivered tonight to the Township Secretary a recorded plan and a recorded Declaration and Covenant for the Township file. He also had three signed Escrow Agreements: one for lots 10 through 12; one for lots 1,2,3 and 4; one for lots 5, 6 and 7 to be approved by the Supervisors and signed by the Chairman and the Township Secretary. Mrs. Ewald requested a copy of the terms and conditions of the agreement for lots 10, 11 and 12 be sent to Mrs. Joos or her Attorney. Mr. Oeste said he would do so and he noted these agreements had been reviewed by Mr. McErlane. Mr. Martin moved for approval of the three Escrow Agreements for the Eastwick Subdivision. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion subject to Mr. Kohli’s affirmation. The motion carried unanimously.

The Chairman stated he had received a call from the PA DER regarding the Township’s Act 537 and he guessed it had not been approved. Mrs. Ewald said it had been deemed approved. She noted it was submitted in September, 1991, and that after 180 days, if there is no response, it is deemed approved. Mr. Oeste will check on the matter. Mr. Martin noted the issue not resolved is regarding on-lot management, which the DER has revised. Further action was tabled until Mr. Oeste can review the old file.

Mrs. Ewald gave an update on the PECO work of installing additional voltage to service a section of Charlestown (see minutes of March 21,1994). Her main concern is the tree trimming on Hollow Road. Mr. Connolly asked Mrs. Ewald if she could get PECO to deliver 5 of the poles to the soccer field.

The Fisher Subdivision Plan was tabled until the May 2nd Board meeting. The plan had been submitted this day and neither Mr. Kohli nor the Supervisors had time to review it.

Jack Loew and Tim Townes represented Spring Oak Business Center which was the next item for discussion. Mr. Townes referred to his letter of April 14, 1994, conditions 3 and 4. Items discussed were 1.) contribution for the Rt.29 and Charlestown Road intersection improvements, should more funding be needed by the Township 2.) Rees Road buffering and screening 3.) cooperation with Charlestown Brae regarding Rees Road. The Supervisors and Mr. Oeste held a brief caucus. Upon their return, Mr. Martin proposed deleting “enter into negotiations” in the first line of paragraph 4 of the Motion for Approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Approval. Mr. Martin also proposed a cap of $35,000 for the intersection improvement. A new Paragraph 5 would state “the Applicant’s Final Plan submission shall be revised to comply with correspondence of William Huganir, Esq., to Tim Townes dated 2-7-94.” Mrs. Ewald made the motion to approve the Preliminary Spring Oak Plan including the above items proposed by Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Kohli reminded the Board of the Planning Module Resolution. Mrs. Ewald made the motion, subject to Mr. Kohli’s review, that Resolution #481-94 be approved for the Spring Oak Planning Module. The motion was seconded by Mr. Martin and unanimously carried.

Mr. Martin moved to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion.

The Supervisors will discuss the lease with the Nature Center at the Executive meeting scheduled for Monday, April 25th at 8:00pm at the Township office.

The meeting concluded at 10:40pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
