AUGUST 2, 1993

The Charlestown Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, August 2, 1993, at the Charlestown Elementary School, Charlestown Road, Devault.

Present: John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., Member; Thomas F. Oeste, Esq.; Surender S. Kohli, P.E.; Ruth W. Buckwalter, Secretary, and those on the attached list of attendees.

The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:02 pm and announced that the Chairman, Irene W. Ewald, was unable to attend this meeting due to a death in the family.

The Eastwick Public Hearing was deferred until the August 16th meeting for lack of a quorum. Mr. Kling had previously recused himself. Mr. Oeste, for the record, stated that Saul A. Behar, on behalf of the Applicants, was present and has granted a time extension to make a decision in both the Preliminary Subdivision/Land Development application and also the Conditional Use matters until August 16, 1993. A Court Recorder was present to record Mr. Oeste’s statement and that of Mr. Behar.

The Vice Chairman deferred the Schulze property to the August 1 6th meeting at the request of the Schulze’s attorney.

The next item on the agenda was LauraBrooke. Due to conflicting reports to the Secretary and Mr. Oeste as to whether or not Mr. Mondzelewski would be present, Mr. Martin deferred LauraBrooke to the end of the meeting.

Announcements: The Vice Chairman reported that Susan Antonelli, from the PA Attorney General’s office, had phoned him on July 7th concerning a traffic accident on Rt. 29 about 1/4 mile south of Buckwalter Road. Mr. Martin stated he was contacted because in June of 1984 he had written to PENNDOT stating this was a hazardous condition. The accident occurred in 1986 and the injured party is suing PENNDOT because, though PENNDOT knew of this condition, they did nothing. Mr. Martin, and possibly the former Township Secretary, may be called to testify.

The Vice Chairman stated that the minutes of July 6, July 19, July 21 and July 26, 1993, were submitted for approval. He noted the following amendments: minutes of July 19, 1993, page 2, para. 4 - after “The Chairman called for a 5 minute recess to meet with Mr. Martin and Mr. Oeste.” insert “Mr. Halteman requested a permit of Mr. Kohli’s cross examination and the Board met to confer regarding that request.”; the minutes of July 21.1993. page 1, last sentence, put a ‘I period” after Board of Supervisors and insert “The meeting ended at 11:45 pm.” Subject to these amendments, Mr. Martin moved to approve the minutes of July 6. July 19, July 21 July 26. 1993. Mr. Kling seconded the motion. The motion so carried.

Mr. Martin moved for approval of the July 1993. Treasurer’s Report. Mr. King seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Martin moved for approval of the August 2, 1993. Accounts Payable with the stipulation that Mrs. Ewald confirm the months expenses for check #7311 in the amount of $81.44. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

Zoning Officer’s Report: Mr. Kohli submitted his Permit Report of June and July for the Township files. He reported meeting with PECO at Mine Road regarding tree trimming to install service to a new house under construction. There was concern that PECO was trimming and removing more trees than necessary. He also met with contractors and PECO in reference to the Panilquin Subdivision (Charlestown Meade), at Maryhill Road.

Planning Commission Report: Mr. Kling reported that another project on Phoenixville Pike was proposed to the Planning Commission at their July 27th meeting. Mr. Volpi proposed a 3 story retirement village for his 53 acre site. He would need a zoning change. The Planning Commission suggested a sketch plan be submitted. The Planning Commission also reviewed the sketch Plan of Dr. and Mrs. Stewart for 34 acres to be subdivided into 5 residential lots. The Commission advised the Stewart’s to proceed with a Preliminary Plan submission.

Roadmaster’s Report: Mr. Hiller submitted his monthly report for the Township files. Highlights of his report were: repairs made to the storm drain on Dixon Drive, Rees Road and Sycamore Lane were paved, the second mowing will be started and a meeting with the Turnpike maintenance foreman concerning graffiti on three Township bridges. Mr. Kling questioned the different types of paving used in the Township for patching roads and who decides whether to use limestone or granite. Messrs. Kling, Kohli and Hiller discussed the matter and concluded that granite chips would be specified in the 1994 bids for Township road material.

Parks and Recreation Board Report: Mark Connolly stated that the top issue of his report was the “kiddy lot”. He said that Paul Hogan recommends all the equipment, except the swings, are unstable and should be removed immediately. The cost of removal was estimated at $1,000. Replacement would cost between $3,000 and $5,000. Mr. Martin said he could not see using Charlestown Township taxes in that amount for a tot lot, especially since it is not primarily used by Township residents. At this time, Mr. Martin moved to authorize Paul Hogan, our designee, the approximate $1,000 to remove all the playground equipment except the swings. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried. Mr. Connolly continued his report by listing the following: 1) August 11, the PASC will meet with Mr. Comitta regarding design standards; 2) the gate on Coldstream Road needs replacement; 3) mowing and maintenance; 4) PMYC parking lot pIan not yet submitted; 5) half of the trail system open; 6) Ordinances being studied for changes.

Fire Marshal’s Report: Frederick C. Alston submitted his written reports of June and July for the Township files. The June report listed one vehicle fire, two tree/wire fires, one field/woods fire (caused by Conrail), two brush fires, one rubbish fire, one odor investigation, one helicopter landing and four vehicle accidents. The July report listed one dwelling fire, one brush fire, and seven vehicle accidents.

The Vice Chairman noted that Charlestown Meadows, scheduled for Thursday, August 5th, has been canceled and, at this time, no further date has been established.

The Schulze Property will be rescheduled for the August 16th meeting as was the Open Space Plan and the letter from Andrew Viscuso. Tax Collector.

At this time, the Vice Chairman noted the first Monday of September is Labor Day holiday and so the Board of Supervisors will hold their first monthly meeting at 8:00 pm, Wednesday, September 8, 1993, at the Charlestown Elementary School. The Secretary will advertise.

Although no representative of LauraBrooke was present, the Vice Chairman stated this plan would not be deferred again, noting that this was not the first time this had happened. Mr. Oeste stated that, to his knowledge, LauraBrooke owners have never submitted anything official and therefore he feels they are asking for an advisory opinion only. Mr. Martin reviewed his reasons against changing the zoning: i.e., relatively small amount of Township zoned for Industry, Commercial does not require service, no children for the School District, Commercial is located on State roads so Township does not have to provide for road widening and traffic lights, the density of this plan is too high, creates an increase in traffic. Mr. Kling described the location of the site as ideal for Commercial zoning and agreed with Mr. Martin with respect to the proposed density. He also stated that if this site is opened to residential, it will be low grade and low cost residential. Also noted was the proximity to the Turnpike. The Vice Chairman opened the meeting to the public. Mr. Devlin listed several reasons against this plan as outlined in Mr. Comitta’s report. He also stated that when Mr. Mondzelewski purchased this ground, he planned for a commercial project. Now, to maximize his investment, he needs a zoning change. Is this fair to the Township? Mark Connolly suggested to the Transfer of Development Rights (T.D.R.) to open space. Mr. Martin said that this was considered by the Planning Commission in 1976 but the opinion at that time was the Township is too small for T.D.R.. Mr. Martin moved that the request as stated in the June 8. 1993. letter be denied on the ground of density. (A copy of the June 8 ltr. is attached to these minutes.) Mr. Kling seconded the motion and it so carried. The residents of that area expressed their gratitude for the Supervisors’ consideration.

The Vice Chairman announced that there is a new State Statute out that gives the public time to talk about any subject. One resident complained about the speeding on Phoenixville Pike and asked if there was anyway to control this. Mr. Kling answered we could contact the State Police to patrol the area. Robert Devlin expressed his appreciation to the Road master for a water problem solution in his area. A discussion on the State Police service ensued.

All business completed, Mr. Kling moved to adjourn, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried. The Vice Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth W. Buckwalter