The Charlestown Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, November 2, 1992, at the Charlestown Elementary School, Devault.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., Member; James E. McErlane, Esq.; Surender S. Kohli, P.E.; Ruth W. Buckwalter, Secretary and those on the attached attendees list

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:10 pm.

The Announcements were deferred to the next meeting.

Mr. Martin amended the minutes of October 12. 1992 - page 2, paragraph 4, the date should read November 9. Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the amended minutes of October 12, Mr. Martin seconded the motion. It so carried.

Mr. Martin moved to approve the October 1992 Treasurer’s Report. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Kling moved to approve the November 2.1992 Accounts Payable. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion. It unanimously carried. The Chairman asked Mr. Martin to review the Open Space fees.

Zoning Officer’s Report: Mr. Kohli submitted the list of Building and Use & Occupancy Permits issued during the month of October. Mr. Kohli reported that he and Mrs. Ewald walked the Bendiner Property with representatives of the University of PA and the Realtor. Subsequently, he discussed with Mr. Paul, the prospective buyer, future plans for the property. Mr. Kohl visited the Matsinger property re. the complaint that more than one family is living in the single family residence. He spoke to Mr. Williams who stated he is the sole occupant of the house. He also reported Mobile is clearing their pipeline in the Township; Panilquin requested to do a test boring for manholes; nothing has been heard from PENNDOT re. the culvert at Charlestown and Hilltop Roads; met with the Devault Quarry people re their parKling lot. Mr. Kling noted that trucks from the Quarry continue to spill gravel on Route #29. Mr. Kohli reported that most of the trucks are now equipped with automatic covers.

Roadmaster’s Report: Mr. Hiller submitted his written report on his activities for the month of October noting that he posted the Township’s Open Space property. Also, he submitted an Animal Control proposal for the Supervisors’ review. Marsha Solda complained of the hazardous condition of wet leaves covering Pikeland Road by Church Road. Mrs. Ewald requested the Road master to contact Mr. Tritle, PENNDOT, to address that section of road.

Planning Commission Report; Stephen Winckelman reported that the Commission approved the Merriwether Plan and also the Recycling Ordinance at their last meeting.

The Chairman read aloud the written report received by Townwatch from the State Police which listed the calls for assistance in the Township from May through October, 1992.

Award Presentation: The Board of Supervisors presented Stephen Fahir a Townwatch Plaque for his services to Charlestown Township. The Chairman listed some of his outstanding accomplishments: the annual roadside clean up, aided in developing Charlestown Park, the founder of Townwatch, founder and President of Charlestown Civic Association.

The Chairman announced that the settlement agreement for Charlestown Brae Subdivision was concluded and signed by all parties.

The MCF Project was summarized by Mr. McErlane. Outstanding issues discussed at this time were the alternate access, water surface drainage control, stormwater management control plan and a final plan. Mrs. Ewald noted that there is no existing plan, therefore the Board should appeal. After further discussion, Mr. Kling made a motion to authorize Mr. McErlane to prepare an appeal before the November 13 deadline. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion and it unanimously carried.

Mr. Martin gave a brief report on the Charlestown Hunt Subdivision by reading a letter dated October 28, 1992, from John D. Snyder, Esq., to Special Master Unruh enclosing a copy of the settlement agreement signed by David Della Porta and John C. Martin, Jr. A copy was also sent to John Good, Esq., for his clients to sign. The next step is for Mr. Unruh to make his recommendation to Judge Wood.

The Valley Forge Sewer Authority General Manager, Joseph S. Bateman, has proposed a joint meeting between the Authority and the Townships to discuss matters of mutual interest. In his letter of October 13, he requested a first and second choice of dates for this meeting. The Supervisors selected November 11 or November 30 and the Secretary was instructed to so notify Mr. Bateman.

The Chairman introduced into the public record the 1993 Budget. Copies were handed out to the attendees and made available to the public at the Township office. The larger budget items were reviewed. A question was raised on the item of “building rental” which led to a discussion concerning a Township building. Mr. McErlane will advertise the 1993 Budget.

The next item on the agenda was the appointment of an independent auditor. Mrs. Ewald proposed that the Supervisors reappoint Emory Todd as independent auditor for Charlestown Township. Mr. Kling seconded the appointment. The Chairman opened the subject to discussion. Mr. Martin opined that the elected auditors would do the auditing at a lower cost and that a yearly independent audit is unnecessary and costly. The Secretary took a roll call vote: Mr. Martin B no, Mrs. Ewald B yes, Mr. Kling - aye. The motion carried.

The PA Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) has requested permission from the Supervisors to establish a Delayed Harvest trout fishing area on Pickering Creek in the Township’s open space area. The Chairman stated she would like to consult with Tina Daly of the Green Valleys Assn. and Joe Armstrong of Trout Unlimited for further information before taKling action. Mr. Martin and Mr. Kling agreed.

The Chairman reviewed PECO Procedure on gas service in the Township. In October, Mrs. Ewald attended a session held by PECO having to do with the Township being responsible for permitting the vents on residential service. Further investigation by Mrs. Ewald revealed that gas service is used in Devault and the Industrial Park area and not in the residential areas. The Supervisors concurred not to be involved in the permitting program.

The Chairman asked Mr. Martin to review the Resolutions of the Supervisors’ Association to be voted on at the County Convention. Resolution #1 is to re-enact the State Trooper resident program; Resolution #2 is to restore Federal tax exemption to contributions made to public utilities.

The Escrow Release for Heatherwood was discussed and Mr. Kohli explained the work that has been completed, mostly on the driveway. The Escrow Release for the Commons at Great Valley was also submitted. Mr. Martin moved for approval of both releases, Mr. Kling seconded, the motion carried.

The Chairman read a letter delivered ten minutes prior to this meeting granting a 90 day time extension on the Merriwether Subdivision Plan. Therefore, no action was required at this time.

The Chairman directed Mr. McErlane to advertise the Recycling Ordinance for the December 7th meeting.

The Environmental Features Plan was read aloud by Mr. Kling who noted the Ordinance should also include easements, pipelines, surrounding land uses and buildings within 250’, tree stands, stream beds, lakes and ponds. Mrs. Ewald added historic features to the list and requested Mr. McErlane to revise the copy of the Ordinance to include all of the above and submit to the Planning Commission for their reviews and comments.

The Chairman brought attention to the request of the Great Valley Boosters for the Board to re-subscribe to the ad book again this year. Mrs. Ewald moved to approve a $60 expenditure for the Boosters ad book. Mr. Kling seconded the motion and it. carried unanimously.

The Chairman made the list of correspondence available to the public.

The next meeting of the Board of Supervisors has been changed from Monday to Tuesday, November 17.

All business completed, the Chairman entertained a motion to adjourn. Mr. Kling moved to adjourn the meeting, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned - 10:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth W. Buckwalter