APRIL 6, 1992

The Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 6, 1992 at the Charlestown Elementary School, Charlestown Road, Devault.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., Member; Surender S. Kohli, PE; James E. McErlane, Esq, ; Ruth W. Buckwalter, Secretary; and those on the attached list of attendees.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:10 pm.

The Chairman made the following announcements of Township business attended to during the end of March and beginning of April: Mar. 16 - Mrs. Ewald was interviewed by The Inquirer re. Open Space; Mar. 17 - Mrs. Ewald, Messrs. Kohli and DeMucci met re. Charlestown Oaks; Mar.18 - meeting with Mr. Stoeks of the Patriotic Sons of America re the flagpole at the Revolutionary Cemetery; Mar. 20 - an Executive Session was held re. MCF; Mar. 20 - meeting with Bob Flick, East Whiteland Township re. routing trucks through Charlestown Township; Mar.20 - meeting with Rick Hess re. the quarry; Mar. 21 - meeting with The Inquirer for a photo session; Mar. 23 - appearance before Judge Gavin re. MCF; Mar. 28 - site inspection of damage to entrance at the Park; Mar. 31 - attended Courthouse re. Charlestown Brae decision; Apr. 1 - met with Thomas Fillippo re. fencing along Township property; Apr. 1 - first session of the Open Space Task Force meeting; Apr. 2 - attended Charlestown Hunt Hearing before Ross Unruh at West Chester; Apr. 3 - telephone conference with Darin Fitzgerald re Conrail; Apr. 4 - Annual Spring Road Tour; Apr. 6 - MCF meeting with Jim McErlane, Esq. and also the appeal of the February decision on Heatherwood Mr. Kling stated the application for the proposed dog kennel-veterinarian practice was denied by East Whiteland Township. (amended 5/4/92)

The minutes of the March 2, 1992 meeting were approved on a motion put forth by Mr. Kling and seconded by Mr. Martin. The motion carried unanimously.

The minutes of March 19. 1992 were approved on a motion put for the by Mr. Martin and seconded by Mr. Kling. The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Kling moved to approve the March 1992 Treasurer’s Report. Mr. Martin seconded the motion and it unanimously carried.

Zoning Officer’s Report: Mr. Kohli submitted for the files a list of Building and Use & Occupancy Permits for the month of March. He reported that the County Health Dept. has issued a warning to the two units being presently rented on Union Hill Road re. the drainage of their wash water. Also, Mr. Kohli will be meeting with PENNDOT regarding Warner Road and he will follow up by letters problems re. Tinkerhill Lane Burgoon’s and other properties brought to his attention during the Spring Road Tour. There will be a meeting of the Zoning Hearing Board for the purpose of hearing a variance request bv Lesia Hrysio.

The Planning Commission has not met since the last Board of Supervisor’s meeting, so there was no report.

Roadmaster’s Report: Dennis Hiller reported new asphalt curbing and speed limit signs were installed on Maryhill Road. He submitted reports for the files on his activities for the month of March and the annual Spring Road Tour of the Township. Mr. Kling thanked Mr. Hiller for the fine work he has been doing for the Township as Road master.

Appointments: Mr. Kling made the motion to approve the appointment of Gary Pilgrim and Omar Hajib to fill the position of elected auditors. Mr. Martin seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Mr. McErlane gave the opinion that the Township does not have to petition the Court in this matter. Mr. Kling moved to approve the appointment of Sarah Winckelman to the position of Chairman of the Vacancy Board. Mr. Martin seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Parks and Recreation Board: Bob Elmer announced his resignation from the Parks and Rec. Board. He then introduced Township resident Elaine R. Harrington and stated that the Parks and Rec. Board had interviewed Mrs. Harrington and recommend her appointment to this Board. Mr. Kling moved to approve the appointment, Mr. Martin seconded the motion. It carried unanimously. Mr. Elmer gave the monthly report which included 1.) damage to the gate at the park entrance on Township Line Road, 2.) community service personnel re. grounds maintenance, 3.) updates on Phoenixville Area Soccer Club and the Phoenixville Marian Youth Club needs, 4.) second Annual Charlestown Family Picnic scheduled for June 13 from 12 noon until 6 pm. A complete report was submitted for the Township files. The Chairman expressed the regret of the Township re. Mr. Elmer’s resignation Michael Churchill and Janet Baldwin also expressed appreciation for all that Mr. Elmer has accomplished in the past years. Mrs. Morris thanked Mr. Elmer for his conservation work and Mr. Kling stated Mr. Elmer’s weekly articles in The Phoenix will be sorely missed.

The Chairman read aloud a letter dated March 30, 1992, received from John E. Good, Esq., on behalf of Frank lacobucci, relative to outstanding bills owed to the Township by Charlestown Oaks Mrs. Ewald explained how this debt was discovered.

The next 2 hours were given over to the Charlestown Hunt plan, represented by the Messrs. Buck Riley, Bob Plucienik, David Della Porta and Marc Kaplan. The issue at this time is the Rt. #29 access. Mr. Kaplan reviewed the plan and displayed 3 drawings showing 3 alternatives for the access on Rt. #29, noted as Tentative Plan, Interim Plan, and Hypothetical Plan. The Preliminary Plan, now showing on the Final Plan, locates the access as encroaching on land acquired by the Township from the Stonorov family for open space. Questions and suggestions were made by the Supervisors and those in attendance. Mrs. Ewald requested all three entrances be staked for easy visibility and Mr. Kaplan agreed this would be done. Another public meeting between Charlestown Hunt and the Township will be scheduled before the April 30 hearing at the Bar Assn., West Chester.

Mr. McErlane was called upon by the Chairman to give a summary of the MCF Plan. The Background and Findings of Fact, as summarized by Mr. McErlane, are on file with MCF Plan in the Township Office. Mrs. Ewald read aloud the “Findings of Fact” and the attached “Conclusions of Law”. She asked for a motion to accept the above documents. Mr. Kling moved to accept the “Findings of Fact” and “Conclusions of Law”. with his notations re. the Horseshoe Trail access. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion and called for a vote by roll call: Mr. Martin-aye, Mrs. Ewald-aye, Mr. Kling aye. The motion unanimously carried.

Resolution #453-92 a Resolution accepting a portion of Tinkerhill Lane as a public road of Charlestown Township, was read aloud. Mr. Martin made the motion to adopt Resolution #453-92, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Further business on the April 6th agenda was tabled until the April 20 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth W. Buckwalter