January 7, 1991

The Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors held their Reorganization Meeting together with their regular January Meeting on Monday, January 7, 1991, at the Nature Center of Charlestown because the Charlestown Elementary School was closed due to inclement weather.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr. member; James E. McErlane, Esq.; Ruth W. Buckwalter; and those on the attached attendee list.

At 8:15 pm, Mrs. Ewald called the meeting to order.

The first order of business was the nomination of officers:

Mr. Kling made a motion that Irena W. Ewald serve as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for 1991, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling made a motion that John C. Martin. Jr. serve as Vice Chairman of the Board. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling made a motion to reappoint Surender Kohli as Township Engineer for the year 1991, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling made a motion to reappoint Harold F. Pyle as Roadmaster for the year 1991, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling made a motion to reappoint Surender Kohli as Zoning Officer & Building Inspector for the year 1991, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling made a motion to reappoint John C. Martin. Jr. as Fire Marshall for the year 1991, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling made a motion to reappoint Ruth W. Buckwalter as Township Secretary for the year 1991, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling made a motion to reappoint Linda Halteman as Treasurer for the Township, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling made the motion to appoint Thomas Comitta as Land Planner. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion. Mr. Martin requested the Secretary to call the roll for a vote: Mrs. Ewald - yes, Mr. Kling - yes, Mr. Martin - no. The motion carried.

Mr. Kling made a motion to reappoint Darwin W. Ferguson to the Zoning Hearing Board for a term of 3 years. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried. Mrs. Ewald noted there is a vacancy on this Board due to the resignation of John C. Deisher. An appointment to fill this-vacancy was deferred until the January 15 mtg.

Mrs. Ewald noted that there was a vacancy on the Valley Forge Sewer Authority. Mr. Martin feels there are a number of qualified residents for this position, but they are not aware of the vacancy. He suggested to the newspaper reporters covering this meeting that they note this in their write-up. Mrs. Ewald deferred this appointment until the January 15 meeting. The Secretary noted that the vacancies were advertised in the Eve. Phoenix on January 3 and 4, 1991. Mr. McErlane was requested to advertise again January 11 and 13, 1991.

Mrs. Ewald stated that in the past, we have had a member of the Planning Commission serving on the Historical & Architectural Review Board, that member being Ned Hasselquist. She inquired of Mr. Churchill if Mr. Hasselquist would be willing to serve another term. He replied he hadn’t spoken to Mr. Hasselquist of the matter, but will do so and inform the Board before the January 15 meeting.

Mrs. Ewald noted that last year the position of an architect had not been filled on the Historical & Architectural Review Board. She nominated Helena Van Vliet for for this position. Mr. Kling moved to approve the nomination, Mr. Martin seconded, it so carried.

William Wilson was reappointed to serve on the Historic Commission through a motion made by Mr. Kling and seconded by Mr. Martin. The motion carried.

Mr. Kling moved to reappoint Terry Taggart to the Charlestown Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

The following rates of pay were established:

Supervisors (set by auditors) - $50 for each official meeting
Township Secretary - $7080 salary
Township Treasurer - $8 per hour
Roadmaster - $3000 salary + $5000 expenses
Planning Commission Secretary - $80 per meeting + expenses

Mr. Kling moved to approve the above rates of pay, Mr. Martin seconded, the motion so carried.

Having concluded the business of the Reorganization meeting, the Chairman announced the Board would go on to the business of the regular monthly meeting.

Mr. Kling moved to approve the minutes of the Decembers. December 10. and December 18. 1991 meetings. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling moved to approve the December. 1990 Treasurer’s Report. Mr. Martin opened a discussion on the issue of a possible budget deficit at the year’s end. Following this discussion, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling moved to approve the January 7 Accounts Payable with the exception of check #6357 made out to Mr. Kohli whose monthly statement had not been received. Check #6357 can be approved at the January 15 meeting. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Zoning Officer’s Report – Mr. Kohli was not present

Planning Commission Report – Mr. Churchill reported that the Commission had reviewed the Sweet Meadows plan and have an extension until the February meeting. He also noted an extension was given on the Panilquin Subdivision and no action had been taken on the Alleva Subdivision because further material has not been submitted. Mr. Alleva had notified, in writing, both the Commission and the Supervisors of a time extension, but had not given a date. The Secretary was instructed to send a copy of this letter to Mr. McErlane. The Stonorov plan, subdividing 1 lot, had been approved by the Commission and will come before the Supervisors on January 15. Mr. Churchill stated the Commission had 5 meetings during which the proposed Ordinances were reviewed. He will give an up-date at the January 15 meeting.

Mrs. Ewald asked for input from Mr. Churchill re. an Environmental Committee. Mr. Churchill feels that the Planning Commission and the Parks & Recreation Board cover most of the subjects of such a committee with the exception of reviewing land management. After discussing the matter, Mr. Churchill said he would look into it and report back to the Supervisors in two months.

Escrow Releases - tabled until January 15 meeting.

The redrafting of an Escrow Fund Ordinance was tabled until the January 15 meeting.

Complaints were received at the Township office from residents of Rosewood Farms re lack of snow removal. This is the developer’s responsibility . His excuse was that he forgot) Complaints were also received from residents of Newcomen Road which was neither plowed not salted. The issue here is whether Charlestown Township or West Pikeland Township is responsible for this road. Mrs. Ewald said she spoke on the phone to Mr. Brady, Supervisor of West Pikeland, at which time he proposed the two townships share expenses 50/50. Mrs. Ewald has looked at Newcomen Road and declared it in terrible condition, the road is crumbling. A discussion ensued on how to resolve this issue. Mr. Sherman Trego, who has lived on Newcomen Road for 35 years, said his deed shows the boundary line between the two townships to lie directly down the center of the road. Mrs. Ewald asked Mr. Trego to made a photo copy of his deed and send it to her. Mr. Trego agreed to so do. The issue remains unresolved to date.

The Board received a letter from East Pikeland Township stating that the cost of their Workmen’s Compensation Insurance package has escalated and therefore the burden of the Kimberton Fire Co. costs should be shared by those townships who benefit from the Fire Company’s services. The premium breakdown sheet enclosed showed Charlestown’s cost as $1048. Mrs. Ewald has asked for an annual report which will be reviewed before any action-is taken.

The recently installed stop sign on Maryhill Road has been a subject of protest by a number of people who use this road. The sign was installed after the Supervisors received such a request from Maryhill Road residents due to speeding traffic. A discussion of this issue was followed by a decision that the stop sign should stay for safety purposes.

John Goslin addressed the Board re. a complaint to the Zoning Officer against him by a neighbor because of the noise from his log-splitter. He asked if this was considered a home occupation. Mrs. Ewald tabled the matter until Mr. Kohli submits his report.

At 10:20 pm, Mrs. Ewald entertained a motion to continue this meeting on January 15, 1991, at 8:00 pm at the Charlestown Elementary School. Mr. Kling so moved, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Respectfully submitted,
