November 5, 1990

The Charlestown Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly monthly meeting on Monday, November 5, 1990, in the Charlestown Elementary School.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Surender Kohlij James E. McErlane, Esq.; John D. Snyder, Esq.; Ruth W. Buckwalter; and those on the attached list of attendees.

Mrs. Ewald called the meeting to order at 8:20 P.M.

Mr. Martin moved to approve the minutes of October 1, 1990 meeting, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Martin moved to approve the October, 1990 Treasurer’s Report, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Martin called attention to check #6265, issued in the incorrect amount and also check #6274, for an unauthorized bill. After striking these two checks from the November 5 Accounts Payable, Mr. Martin moved for approval, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Zoning Officer’s Report: Mr. Kohli submitted a Building Permit Report for the month of October for the files. He reported:

Planning Commission Report: Mr. Martin brought attention to the high cost of consulting fees for the year 1990. He stated this has gotten out of hand and instructed the Planning Commission to have the Consultant submit a proposal for any future service. The Planning Commission should review the Consultant’s bills before they are submitted to the Supervisors.

Townwatch Report: Mary Jane Duncan noted that the State Police reported 155 calls in Charlestown, which is an increase over the last report by 25 calls. Mrs. Ewald reported that Ms. Duncan was presented an award by Governor Casey in Harrisburg. This award was presented in recognition of her contribution in making Charlestown Watch one of the best in the State. Her volunteer work is much appreciated by the Board and the residents of the Township.

Roadmaster Report: Mr. Pyle reviewed his report which was then submitted for the Township files. A number of calls were received during 0ctober re. potholes, drainage and poor visibility at intersections. These have all been corrected. The drainage ditch at the Henry property on Buckwalter Road was cleaned out and an 8” pipe installed. A discussion on the theft of road , signs throughout the Township resulted in the Board requesting Mr. Pyle to replace them and hope they will last through the holidays.

Mrs. Ewald reported that she had requested from the Northern Chester County Community Nursing Services a breakout of calls in Charlestown Township not covered by Medicare or Insurance. This information was not available. Mrs. Ewald recommended the same allocation as 1989. Mr. Martin moved to donate $600 to the Northern Chester County Community Nursing Services, Mrs. Ewald seconded- the motion, it so carried.

The S.P.C.A. Contract was tabled until the next meeting.

Mr. Snyder had submitted to the Board a draft Interim Order for Charlestown Oaks Subdivision for review. Mr. Kohli suggested the language of the Order be more specific. The draft will be reworked at Executive Session.

The Declaration, which is part of the approval process for Lot 12 of the Four Oaks Subdivision was approved by the Board. Mr. McErlane will send copies to the VanVliets for their notarized signatures. After the Supervisors also sign, a copy of this document will be recorded with the first plans. The Escrow Funds will not be released until miscellaneous items are completed.

The Chairman entertained a motion to release the remaining Three Ponds Escrow Funds. Mr. Martin moved for approval of the Escrow Release in the amount of $25,000, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

At this time, John Garvin requested the floor. He stated that Terry Wochak had asked for information re. the cost of the proposed Ordinance Amendments. Mrs. Ewald replied she has given a complete breakout to him. Mr. Garvin questioned the Board on the legality of transferring funds in the Budget. Mrs. Ewald assured him there has been no transferring of funds. Mr. Garvin stated that $45,000 has been paid to the Consultant to date. He recommended the Supervisors stop all work on the Ordinance Amendments and the planning Commission, Supervisors, and citizens work together on the Comprehensive Plan for Charlestown Township. Mrs. Ewald stated the Supervisors will not stop work on the Ordinance Amendments.

The Budget for 1991 was reviewed by Mr. Martin. Revenues are down, the budget is tightened, taxes will remain at 8.5 mills. Questions from the audience were answered. Mr. Martin moved to approve the advertising of the 1991 Budget, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried. Mr. McErlane will advertise.

The next item on the agenda was the Occupational Privilege Tax. Mr. Martin explained that much of the traiTic in Charlestown is not caused by residents but by people employed within the Township. The objective of the tax is to gain revenue for road work from non-residents. He estimates the gain in revenue of ten to fifteen thousand dollars. Mr. McErlane said agricultural concerns may not be exempt. Since Susan Buckwalter volunteered to pay Mr. Pyle’s tax, the Tax Collector has been instructed accordingly by Mrs. Ewald. The majority of the attendees were of the opinion that this was a fair tax. Mr. Martin moved the Board adopt the $10 per capita Occupational Tax, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

A letter received at the Township office from Hough/Loew Assos., Inc., requested The Commons at Great Valley – East be put on the November 5 agenda. Mr. Kohli stated he did not have any plans for this subdivision, he will check on the time clock. The matter was tabled.

The Laura Brooke Subdivision was approved by the Supervisors at their December, 1989 meeting. Joseph Ryan, Esq., is requesting the Supervisors to authorize Mr. Kohli to write a letter to PENNDOT in order that an application may be submitted for highway access. He also requests a re-approval of the plans because the recording date has expired. Mr. McErlane sees no reason for the Board to deny these requests. Accordingly, Mrs. Ewald moved to re-approve the Subdivision and to authorize Mr. Kohli to write a letter to PENNDOT re. highway access. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

In a letter dated October 30, 1990, Rewis & Dambly Developments, Inc. requested the release of Escrow Funds deposited in May. 1989., to ensure execution of a lot line change at Rosewood Farms. The Board approved the lot line change in April, 1990, and the plan was then recorded. Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the Escrow Release in the amount of $5,000, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the Escrow Release in the amount of $4,173.00 for the Oak Hill Subdivision. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Impact Fees: Mr. Martin will write a letter to Earl Baker, Senator, expressing the disappointment of the Board in his vote for the passage of HB 1361. In September, Mr. Martin had advised the Senator by letter that the Board urges him to support the revisions of this Bill as stated by PSATS.

Final plans for Charlestown Hunt Subdivision were delivered to the Township office on October 29. A Public Hearing was scheduled for 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, December 18 at the Charlestown Elementary School. Mrs. Ewald read aloud a letter received from Marc Kaplin alleging that Lesser & Kaplin has been retained by Realen Homes to act as co-counsel with Riley Law Associates re. Charlestown Hunt Subdivision.

Mrs. Ewald read aloud the list of correspondence received by the Supervisors during the month of October.

All business completed, Mrs. Ewald moved to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, the meeting was adjourned – 10:56 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
