September 5, 1990

The Charlestown Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 5, 1990, in the Charlestown Elementary School

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., member; Surender Kohli; John D. Snyder, Esq.; Thomas F. Oeste, Esq.; and those on the attached list of attendees.

Mrs. Ewald called the meeting to order at 8:22 P.M.

Mrs. Ewald announced an Executive Session was held prior to this meeting re. the Three Ponds development.

Mr. Kling moved to approve the minutes of the August 6 meeting, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Martin moved to approve the August 1990 Treasurer’s Report, Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Martin corrected the September 5 Accounts Payable to exclude check #6205, after which he moved to approve the above payables, pending approval of check #6225 by the Roadmaster. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried. Mr. Martin moved to approve payment of check #6230, made payable to the Nature Center of Charlestown, Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

Zoning Officer’s Report; Mr. Kohli submitted a list of Build-ing Permits and Use & Occupancy Permits issued during the month of August. He reported:

Planning Commission Report; No report.

Headmaster’s Report; Mr. Pyle submitted his monthly report on work done in the Township. He approved payment of check #6225 payable to Chester County Construction Co. Mrs. Ewald authorized Mr. Pyle to clean up after storms as needed. The date of October 13 was set for the Road Tour. Mrs. Ewald attended the meeting of the Fire Co. and reported that everyone complimented Mr. Pyle on the manner in which he handled the clearing of roads after the storm. Trees were down on five roads in the Township. Mr. Pyle called attention to several blind spots at intersections in the Township due to overgrown trees, primarily pines.

Parks and Recreation Board: In the absence of Mark Connally, Mrs. Ewald read the report submitted by this Board. The Charles-town Community Picnic has been cancelled for the fall and tentatively rescheduled for May 4, 1991. This date conflicts with the annual Charlestown Day. A joint effort was suggested. Joe Kulp has been contracted to do the mowing of the grounds. Mrs. Ewald reported that David Lieber and Andrew Ewald mowed and cleaned up trash at the site of the old cemetery across from the Playschool.

Computer Bids; Pilot Technical Services Co. was awarded the bid as the lowest responsible bidder. This includes delivery, installation, and training. Mr. Kling so moved, Mr. Martin seconded, the motion carried.

Salt Bids; Mr. Martin made a motion to accept the bid submitted by International Salt Go. as the lowest responsible bidder, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Impact Fees – HB 1361; Mr. Snyder advised the Board that as HB 1351 now stands, it is unfair and too complex. After a discussion, Mr. Martin, acting for the Board, will write letters to Senator Baker and Rep. Vroon urging amendments to HB 1361. Resolution #437, protesting HB 1361 in its present form, was adopted on a motion made by Mrs. Ewald, seconded by Mr. Martin. The motion so carried.

Census Review; According to information received from the U.S. Census Bureau, Chester District Office #2334, the population of Charlestown Township has decreased since the last count in 1930. Since this seems highly improbable, and since the Liquid Fuels Fund is based on population, Mrs. Ewald made a motion for Mr. Martin to review this figure and take appropriate action to notify the Census Bureau that Charlestown Township was under-counted. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mrs. Ewald read a letter from Northern Chester County Community Nursing Services requesting an increase over last years gift of $600. No action was taken at this time.

Three Ponds Escrow Release; The Board was requested to take action on the release of the final $25,000 held in escrow due to unresolved issues, primarily the installation of a dry fire hydrant as recommended by Kimberton Fire Chief Robert Dobson. Mr. Martin suggested the following compromise:

$25,000 be released to Rouse Associates and $4,000 given to the Three Ponds Homeowners Assn. for the purpose of installing the dry hydrant. The Homeowners Assn. will have 90 days to match the $4,000. If the Assn. is not in favor of installing the dry hydrant, the $4,000 would revert to Rouse Associates.

Mr. Snyder read aloud a prepared Resolution. Mr. Kling expressed concern over the safety and welfare of Three Ponds’ residents in case of a fire, and requested this be inserted in the Resolution. After a discussion, Mr. Snyder read the modified Resolution. Mr. Martin made a motion to approve the Resolution, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Jack Hubing displayed a plot plan of his property on Tinkerhill Road off Creek Road and inquired as to the ownership of that unpaved portion along his frontage. Mr. Hubing was informed said portion was owned by Gilbert Thompson. Mr. Hubing is concerned by the run-off onto his property and requested the Supervisors to note this condition during the Fall Road Tour.

Tax Refund; It has been called to the attention of the Board that a widow in the Township has been paying personal taxes for herself and her late husband for many years. She is now requesting a refund. The Solicitor advises that by law, the Township may only refund taxes for the last three years plus a maximum interest rate of up to 9% per annum if the person files a written, verified claim. Mrs. Ewald moved to approve payment of $30 at the October Supervisors’ meeting if the necessary paperwork is completed. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

The Escrow Release for the Flex Building located in The Commons at Great Valley was tabled until the next meeting.

Oak Hill Subdivision Escrow Release; Mr. Kohli certified that all was in order. Mr. Martin moved to approve Escrow Release #8 in the amount of $37,248. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

All business being completed, Mr. Kling moved to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, the meeting was adjourned – 10:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
