July 2, 1990

The Charlestown Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 2, 1990, in the Charlestown Elementary School.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., member; Ruth W. Buckwalter; Surender Kohli; James E. McErlane; Thomas J. Comitta; and and those on the attached attendee list.

Mrs. Ewald called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M.

Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the minutes of the June 4 meeting with the following correction;

Three Ponds Lane, page 2, line 5: “...and satisfactory resolution of punch list items between the township and Rouse/Chamberlen.”

Mr. Martin seconded the motion, the minutes were approved as corrected. Mr. Colagreco objected to the correction. Mrs. Ewald clearly stated that Three Ponds Lane had been accepted, but when Mr. Colagreco continued, Mr. Martin declared him out of order, Ms. Sarah Peck also objected to the correction of the minutes. Mrs. Ewald said she would send her a letter listing the items on the punch list to be resolved.

Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the minutes of the June 19 meeting with the following correction:

Redevelopment Authority, page 1, line 5: delete “ not want” and insert “are reluctant...” Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Martin moved to approve June 1990 Treasurer’s Report. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling moved to approve the July 2 Accounts Payable. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Zoning Officer’s Report; Mr. Kohli submitted a list of Building Permits and Use & Occupancy Permits issued for the month of June. Copies are on file.

Planning Commission Report; no report

Mrs. Ewald Moved to award the Road Contract to Chester County Construction Co., which includes equipment and labor, as the lowest responsible bidder. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Parks and Recreation Board; rescheduled to August meeting.

Tyrone Farms; Mr. Kohli has a two week plan of action for the Tyrone Farms project. If the contractor does not abide by this plan, the Board will take action by withholding the Escrow Account and employ another contractor. Mrs. Ewald requested John Fetterman, a resident of Tyrone Farms, to contact his neighbors and set up a meeting with the Supervisors re. Phase II of this project. Mr. Kling further explained the Phase II project by reiterating the manner in which the corrective measures would be handled to take care of the water problems without disturbing gardens, lawns, mailboxes, etc.

Muhly – Tinkerhill Road; Mrs. Ewald asked Mr. Muhly if all problems were resolved. Mr. Muhly replied most of them were. Mr. Kohli then reported on the work which has been and that which is yet to be accomplished. Mrs. Ewald stated that this has been going on for six months and she asked Mr. Muhly how much more time he needed. Mr. Muhly said he needed approximately two weeks to finish the project. Mrs. Ewald gave Mr. Muhly two weeks stating that on July 16, if the project is not completed, Chester County Construction Co. will be contacted to complete the project and the Board will lien the property.

Rosewood Farms; After hearing the complaint of soil erosion onto a neighboring property (see minutes of June 19 meeting), Mrs. Ewald, Mr. Kling and Mr. Kohli walked the site. Mr. Kohli met with Mr. Dambly and itemized corrective measures necessary to alleviate the problem. Although final grading has not been completed, two more berms have been installed which should take care of the problem by a slow discharge. However, until vegetation is established, the same situation could occur during flash storms. Mr. Kohli recommended issuing temporary Use & Occupancy Permits. Mr. Kling stated that when a hillside is denuded of vegetation, in this case approximately four acres, there is bound to be erosion and advised Mr. Dambly to insure against any further flooding of neighboring property. Mr. Kling then made the motion to issue temporary Use & Occupancy Permits, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

Roadmaster Report; Mr. Pyle submitted his written report on work done in the township for the month of June. Speed limit signs are down on Charlestown Road and, due to heavy traffic, he has been unable to replace them. He also reported a very serious problem with a pothole on west Valley Hill Road which had been patched but more extensive repair is needed. Mrs. Ewald instructed him to proceed with this as soon as possible.

Heatherwood; Re. storm water control. John C. Snyder and David Fehr of Yerkes Associates displayed the proposed plans for Heather-wood. Mr. Snyder gave a brief description of the six lot development, the steep slope area and the drainage control of the project. He requested the letter he had sent to Mr. McErlane be entered as part of these minutes and a Conditional Use approval be given by the Supervisors. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the adequacy of the present storm water control. The feeling of the Board is to withhold Building Permits on lots ik and #5 until all storm water handling is proven not to create a safety problem on Howell Road.

The meeting was reconvened. Mrs. Ewald moved for approval of the final subdivision plan with conditions and approval of conditional use application with conditions limiting the crossing of the steep slopes to a 10’ wide shared driveway and no lot disturbance on the whole subdivision until roads and stormwater management is in place and working. Formal written document, itemizing the concerns expressed, was to follow by July 17, 1990. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

Ordinance Revisions; Since the Supervisors have not heard from the Chester County Planning Commission re. the Ordinance revisions, no action could be taken. Questions from the floor were answered by Mr. Comitta and the Supervisors. The Ordinances have been advertised and copies may be read or purchased at the township office. September 4 was the date set for the hearing and September 5 was the date set for the regular monthly meeting of the Supervisors at the Charles-town Elementary School, if available. If not, meetings will be held at the Nature Center.

All business was completed, Mr. Kling moved to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Martin seconded the motion, the meeting was adjourned – 11:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
